New identification for
Garden of Eden
In 2018, the Cumulus agency received from The BURY Company the task of creating a new fruit and vegetable nationwide brand from a scratch.
We have defined this task together with the client as a typical design activity. We convinced BURY that design is much more than just “colorful” graphics on the packaging and a “cool” logo. At Cumulus, we understand design as strategic concept improving experiences and emotions, and making the customer’s experience with a given brand something unique and tailored to their internal needs.
Cumulus started work on creating a new brand for Bury in 2018. The agency was responsible for preparing the creative concept of the brand, logo, name and packaging design.
Cumulus also carried out marketing research for the „Garden of Eden” company for Bury, including focus research conducted in Warsaw and Lublin. The research has provided many new insights on how vegetables and fruits are consumed, and a number of conclusions for the design of the perfect packaging. Working on creating a new nationwide fruit and vegetable brand was a big challenge. It lasted several months and required the involvement of a large team, both on the client’s and agency’s side. Our work, however, was very rewarding.
The research carried out on the “Paradise Garden” has shown that the concept of the brand and packaging we have prepared, are very well received by consumers.
Nowe logo
Zaprojektowane dla nowej marki logo, jego zielono-żółto-biała kolorystyka i wykorzystanie motywów roślinnych nawiązuje do rajskiego charakteru owoców i warzyw firmy Bury. Jest ono pogodne, lekkie, wzbudzające skojarzenia ze świeżością, naturalnością i jakością. Wykorzystanie fontu sprawiającego wrażenie odręcznego pisma kojarzy się z kolei z naturalnym sposobem upraw.
Obecnie firma BURY prowadzi testy, aby do produkcji opakowań używać w całości folii wyprodukowanej z kukurydzy, czym wpisuje się w rozwiązania ekologiczne i związane z ochroną środowiska naturalnego.